Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pizza Bags

Pizza bags you say?  You know what I'm talking about...those giant insulated bags the delivery guys shows up with?

Well, I own one.  I'm not ashamed to admit it!  When my husband and I were dating, we fell in love with a fantastic pizza joint in Concord, NH -- Vinnie's Pizzeria.

Then we moved 30 minutes away.  What to do?  We didn't want luke-warm pizza by the time we got home.  So, one of us jokingly mentioned that we should get one of those pizza bag things.  Ahhh, Google, thank you!  Piece of cake and pretty cheap!  You can get one for about $20 and it's so incredibly versatile, it's not even funny!  Granted, people will stop and stare when you whip it out of your car, but then they will be amazed when you unload several hot casseroles or a massive ice cream cake (like I did today!).  We've used it when the power went out and we had to transport all of our freezer/fridge's contents to my in-laws' an hour away.  I've taken it grocery shopping on a hot summer day to keep all the perishable items cold.  It's fantastic!!!!  one of our best joint purchases!  

I keep forgetting Easter was just this past weekend...seems like forever ago!  Ours was busy, but delicious! 

Doesn't this look cool?  It's the gelatin dissolving in the strawberry juice.  I thought it looked like a brain!

Found these cute bowls at the local party store.  I didn't want to have extra dishes to do and needed individual servings.  These were perfect!

The mousse came out great!  Light and fluffy and and the lemon whipped cream a perfect accompaniment.

The bunny cake was a hit, though my sister confessed that she always thought it was creepy.  Too bad sis!

We did do eggs.  What a show!  It was one of those Pinterest moments that you want to show the pin and the flop.  I was all set for a fun family activity and it ended with both kids in tears and them in the tub.  Never again will I make shaving cream-dyed eggs!

Oh, they look happy enough, don't they?  Well, how the heck do you get the eggs out without covering yourself in the stupid stuff?  You don't.

They say to let dry for 10 minutes.  I followed the directions.  This is how they came out.  Very pale and dull.  I was expecting much more vibrant colors since they looked cool all covered in shaving cream!  Boo!  :(

The rest of the weekend was lots of fun!  I got lots of snuggles with my super cute nephew who's 6 months old now.  Somehow we managed to get all three in the same place at the same time!  Happy Easter!

P.S. this post is dedicated to my boss, Meredith, who questioned how I transported all my dishes.  Pizza bags baby!!!!

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