Friday, February 21, 2014


Apologies for a late post this week!  But, some version of the stomach bug finally caught up with me and I spent a day and a half on the couch.  
Trust me, I call out from work maybe once a year for me (obviously, more often for kiddo reasons) so when I stay home, it's a big deal!  The worst part of this illness was having the kids home too!  When I'm sick, I just want to curl up and be left alone, not have to supervise kids who are sick of being stuck inside for weeks on end!  Did I mention we had about 3' of snow outside!?!?!  By the end of the bug, I was certain I was the worst mom ever, only so be confirmed by my older child telling our day care provider that "it was the worst day ever...the boringest and mommy was the meanest".  Thanks kid.  

On the up side, it's my birthday today!  And despite my hubby having to work late tonight, he ran to the bakery first thing this morning to get my requested carrot cake.
Then, I met up with my buddy Julia and her 3 kiddos to take in the opening of the new Bass Pro Shops nearby.  Have I mentioned I like cheapo fun for the kids?  A million mounted animals to check out and a huge fish tank of local species kept the kids enthralled.  
Followed by a trip to the local mall kids play area to run off some seriously pent up energy.  The best part, Julia made me some fabulous cupcakes!  Are you keeping count?  That's 2 servings of cake today!  That's right!  It's my birthday!  :)
So, that's the extent of my post.  Even though I hate getting older (though I've been 29 for a few years now!), spending the day with my family and good friends, is the only way to do it!  Oh, and with a giant slice of cake, it's even better!

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