Thursday, February 6, 2014

Impending vomit

Ok, as most of you know, I now have a newly minted 5 year old.  What comes with that?  The fact that he is now old enough to attend kindergarten in the fall.  Thankfully my buddy cued me in to the fact that we need to apply now for his entrance to the scary world of school!  I'm not kidding when I say, I very nearly vomited while completing the application!  Lord knows, he is an extremely bright, social kid who is completely ready for this experience, but am I ready?  My husband is almost worse...he's already predicting his tears on the first day of school!  What?!?!?  He's supposed to be my rock, I'm supposed to be the one with the box of tissues, not him!

Where did my 5 year old ask to go for his meal out on his birthday?  Breakfast at the Airport Diner!  But, wait!  Guess what he ordered?  Mac n' cheese!  For breakfast!  This was followed up by the wait staff bringing him a gigantic piece of chocolate cake and singing to him!  This was all consumed by 8:15 kind of kid!  What did he request for dinner?  Cheeseburgers, fries and brownie sundaes.  Hey, you only turn 5 once!

The good news is, no cake this week!  I can't tell you how happy I am about that!  As much as I love decorating cakes, we've just had too much cake over the past 3 weeks!

I know I've been slacking on the crafty things lately, but the cakes have gotten in the way.  I did a crafty (actually, more kitchen-y) project this week however.  We've been going through a ton of oranges over the past few weeks.  Why do the poor peels get tossed though?  I love orange zest in many baked goods and kick myself when I go to bake and have no orange on hand.  I will, oftentimes, freeze leftover lemon juice, but rarely, do I think to do the zest of citrus fruit.  So, this week I decided to zest all of the oranges as I cut them for eating.  I spread the zest on a paper plate and left it to dry overnight.  

Perfect!  Poured it into an empty spice bottle and we're good to go!  The smell of it is just incredible!  So, the next time you go to juice a lemon, lime or orange...zest it first and bottle it!  You'll be happy you did!

Lastly, the most exciting thing this week is the fact that I won something!  Trust me, when I say, I NEVER win anything!  When our local freebie weekly paper had an email out with "win tickets to the NH Farm and Forest Expo", I figured I'd enter.  I won the tickets!  Ok, the total value is all of $14 for the 2 adult tickets, but I'm excited none-the-less!  Kids under 16 are free, even better!  So, tomorrow my buddy Julia and I are hitting the expo with 5 kiddos under the age of 6!  Stay tuned...

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