Thursday, January 30, 2014

More crumbs!

We survived the boys' birthday party!  The cake came out pretty darn well, if I do say so myself!  What do you think?

Yes, I used my cake stands as Transformer pedestals, but it worked!  Want some close-ups of the process and parts?

Now that the party is done, I'm on to cookies for a "sprinkle" for 2 of my co-workers.  Both have little girls and are pregnant with boys!  We figured that they probably need updated gear since NOTHING in their houses is blue!  So I made some baby and onesie cookies for a potluck luncheon we had for them.  Needless to say, they were a big hit!

My big guy turns 5 on Saturday and he has requested breakfast out.  When I asked where, he answered, "you remember that diner, the one where I can get mac n' cheese for breakfast?".  Why not?  It's his birthday and you're only 5 once!  

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