I know, this is not a new topic for most of you. I don't know a single mom right now who isn't working outside the home. Obviously, you are all "working moms" even when you're home, but there is a serious art to making it all work and not losing your sanity. I've been doing this for 5 years now and I don't really even think about it anymore, but I was reminded of the challenge of getting back into the swing of things when my sister expressed concerns about going back to work full time with a 6 month old at home. So, here's my top 5 organizational tips for working moms...
5. Prioritize
What REALLY needs to get done? If it's been a long, crazy week, silly things like dusting can wait! If your guests really take out the white glove and criticize you for your cleaning habits, you need to find new friends! My priorities are laundry, food, bathing. And even those are negotiable! As long as my kids are happy, healthy and safe, we're good. The rest of it will get done some day.
4. Send the Kids Off
I know it sounds awful. I love my children dearly, but I also know how much more I can get done when they are not home. Even it it's only for a few hours! Every other month or so, I send my kids to the in-laws with my husband and you should see what kinds of things happen in this place! It's magical! The first time you do it, it feels weird, but then you come to enjoy every second of it!
3. Prep Stuff Ahead of Time
My friends/co-workers always ask how I have time to whip up a batch of cookies when I have 2 busy boys and work 32 hours a week. Well, a LOT of stuff gets done after they go to bed! If I know we have a function to bring food to, I begin a day or 2 ahead and prep at least the dry ingredients. Measuring out stuff is the biggest drain on your time. Do it ahead! When I have cakes or cookies to bake, there will be inevitably be a pile of plastic containers on the counter all lined up, ready to dump in the mixer. Even the wet ingredients can be in plastic, in the fridge. Even silly things, like lining a pan with parchment paper ahead of time, can save you valuable time later on! It's easy to come home, pour everything in the bowl and pop it in the oven while you're eating dinner!
2. Visual Aides
I'm talking calendars, reminders on your smart phone, Post-it notes stuck to the door, etc. Whatever it takes so that you remember what has to get done that day/week/month! My rule is, if it's not on the calendar, it doesn't exist. I tend to get very upset when my husband casually mentions some event happening in a day or so that we may have discussed at some point, but it never made it on the calendar. WRITE IT DOWN!!!!
1. Divide and Conquer!
The easiest way to get that massive list of chores and errands done is to share the load. You CANNOT do it alone! Well, you can, but you will not be a happy person, nor any fun to be around! You are already Super Mom for holding down a job and keeping the household running. Don't be the hero all the time though; it's ok to ask for help!
Got it? You can work full time and be relatively sane! It is an art and you have to work at it. No matter how organized I am, there are weeks when it all falls apart! That's what take-out is for! :)
Great post! I'm super reliant on my calendar as well--plus I use my weekly planner too. Though you are the best "super mom" I know :)
ReplyDeleteNah, I learned it all by watching you! :)