Friday, May 30, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things

I'm a kitchen junkie, that's obvious, but I thought I'd share some of my favorite kitchen gadgets (since I didn't really do any baking this week!)...things I could not survive without!  They make my life easier, or are just plain fun, but no matter their purpose, they are a MUST in my kitchen!

Microplane Zester/Grater
So versatile!  I use it to grate nutmeg, hard cheeses, ginger and garlic (because I don't have a garlic press).  It's good for zesting citrus fruits too.

KitchenAid Stand Mixer
Yes, mine is red!  I seriously use this a minimum of once a week, if not more!  I finally made space on the counter top since it's so bloody heavy and I was tired of dragging it out of my cabinet!  I may just break down and buy a second bowl...during Christmas I have multiple batters going and it would be nice to have a dirty bowl and a clean one at the ready.  Oh, and I may cave and ask Santa for the pasta attachment too!

Stick Blender
We're big fans of smoothies in this house and this is the easiest and quietest way to make them!  If someone's still asleep in the morning and I need to make my drink before heading out, I can run this and no one wakes up!  Aside from smoothies, I've pureed fresh tomato sauces, fruit and veggies for baby food, applesauce, marinades, etc.  Easy to use and easy to clean!

Chef's Knife
A good quality chef's knife is key to every meal!  Find one or 2 that fit comfortably and get the job done.  You may have to splurge, but it's well worth it and if you treat it well, it will last forever!  We have a knife sharpener to keep a good edge on it, but many kitchen or hardware store will do this for a nominal fee.  I found both of my favorites in stores like Marshall's or Home Goods on big sales, so look around, you don't have to buy them from the big expensive places!

Cutting Board
A cutting board?!?!  Of course!  A good, sturdy, non-skid cutting board is essential!  Along with your knife, if you take care of it, the pair will treat you well for years to come!  I like the OXO SoftWorks one.  It's large enough to cover my cutting area and stays put.  I throw it in the dishwasher after cutting meats.

What are your favorite things?  I'd love to know what gadgets people couldn't live without in their kitchens!

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