Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Few More of My Favorite Things -- Summer

Despite the oppressive heat and humidity over the last 10 days, I LOVE summer!  But, I can feel it slipping away already!  My husband and I were lamenting the fact that our oldest son goes off to kindergarten in 7 weeks.  Yikes!  There are so many more things I want to do this summer and not enough days!

So, here's my list of favorite summery things...

#5 Berries, Berries, Berries

There is nothing I like better, than fresh raspberries!  Yes, these are from the in-laws' farm.  I am spoiled!  I worked all day and came home to find 6 pints of berries on the counter.  Fabulous!  We eat them with everything around here.  Ice cream, Greek yogurt, baked goods, etc.  I'm partial to eating them straight out of the field!

#4 Grilling

Is there anything better than diving around town and smelling the tummy-rumbling aroma of grilled meat?  We throw a lot of things on our grill...the usual burgers, dogs, chicken, steak.  But, every now and then fish and veggies make their appearance too.  My favorite grilled item?  Pizza!

#3 Swimming

Everyone in my family are born under the water signs and we spend as much of our free time in or around the water as possible.  Thankfully, while we do not have a pool, we have access to lots of water.  Our town is graced with 2 public pools and 2 lakes.

#2 Sand and Salty Air

Along with the #3 entry, the beach is where I am happiest.  Preferably, a quiet, uninhabited beach!  The sound of crashing waves, the smell of salty air, sand between my toes...enough said!

#1 Exhausted Kiddos

This was after a day of the playground and swimming all afternoon at Nana's.  He swears he was not sleeping, but I'm pretty sure that was not the case.  (yes, I know his seat belt came out of the red loop.  that happened after we were on the road and I didn't notice it until I uploaded the pic)  This kid can sleep in the car at any point!  The little one, on the other hand...

wide awake!  :)

Happy Summer!  Enjoy it while it's here, because, in a few months, you'll all be complaining that it's too cold and snowy!


  1. Mmmm... berries! I can't wait until NEXT summer when I will be quite close to your berry farm.... Plus I love the pic of Ben-- it captured his devilish grin perfectly....
