Friday, October 3, 2014

Thimble Fingers

I'm so excited about this post!  It's not a cooking one!  It's a crafty one!!!  Finally, I did something other than hang out in the kitchen, although I did plenty of that too this week.  

This fall I got suckered into coaching my son's U5/6 soccer team.  While I have played for many years (not since I got pregnant with my oldest, who's now 5!), I have never coached, so this was going to be an adventure, both on the field and off.  Try wrangling ten 5 and 6 year olds and hoping to instill some sort of love for the game and/or actual foot skills.  Yikes!

The off-the-field challenge was entirely unexpected...the league nicely ordered the coaches a matching shirt.  Only, mine is an extra large.  I'm guessing it's a men's extra large at that.  I often wear a women's medium.  There's a big difference!!!!!  So, I hunted around my favorite site...Pinterest and found this link to altering a too-big shirt.  Super easy, and while she swears it took all of 5 minutes, I will admit to a solid half hour.  I can sew basic straight lines on cotton, but this was that lovely quick-dry wicking fabric.

First, lay out your too-big shirt, front up.  Find a favorite shirt that actually fits you and lay that on top.  Line up the necklines.  Notice the size difference????

Take some chalk and dry a line about a half inch out from the favorite shirt.  I did mine a little bigger only because the black fabric isn't nearly as stretchy as the green jersey fabric.

Cut along the lines.  Turn the too-big shirt inside out and line up the seams.  Pin.  Sew up the long sides and into the arms.  Fold over the bottom hem an inch or so and sew.  I realize most shirts have a double seam, feel free to do so.  I didn't really care since I only need to wear this shirt 8 times this season and then likely not again!  

This is the result...much more flattering!  

I did do some prep work for my nephew's 1st birthday on Sunday.  My sister requested a dinosaur cake them, so this is the sneak-peek...

You've got to wait til next week for the end result...

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