Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day...May Day...May Day!

Spring has finally sprung in NH!  I do have a secret desire to do the May Pole thing, though I fear I would be the kid going in the wrong direction and tying everyone up in knots!

While it may not look super warm outside, we've hit a few 70 degree days this month and there is green grass.  Most of my bulbs came up, except the daffodils, which are usually the first up.  The tulips are up, but have no stems, just leaves.  The only things that bloomed?  My crocus and 1 hyacinth.  I fear I may have to dig out my entire garden and restock it next fall.  Good excuse to buy bulbs though!

We finished up our sap season on a high note!  Despite our late start, we hit the average gallons produced.  Now we're on to the clean up.  No matter how much syrup you make, there is always the same amount of set up and breakdown.  For the first time, I got to help with the latter.  (somehow I've always managed to escape that chore!).  Cleaning out the sap house means scrubbing every piece of equipment (and I do mean EVERY).  We did this last weekend when it was a mere 40 degrees ouside and breezy.  Lots of fun when you're power washing giant stainless steel pans!

I have no idea where all these hoses went, but it was a prime example of a "mobility hazard," something I tell my patients to avoid every day!  Do as I say, not as I do!!!!

My hubby taking apart the syrup pan.

A cool shot of a very disorganized sap house.

The upside, it's all clean now and, aside from still removing all the taps, we're on our way to bigger and better things.

Besides sapping and cleaning, a few cakes kept me busy as well.  I had requests for a running theme for my sister's Father-in-law.

Then I was asked to do a cake for my hubby's co-worker.  Her daughter wanted a horse cupcake cake.  Never done an animal before, but I'm pretty pleased with how it came out! 

She looks pretty happy with it!

Nothing in the works for this month, though it stands to be crazy busy with school activities, mini-vacation, girls' weekend, etc.  Maybe a baking reprieve!

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