Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tractors tractor tractors

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man!  2 years ago (and 4 weeks before my due date!) I went to work, hit the grocery store, picked up my then 3 year old, came home, put all the groceries away, made dinner and, just as I put dinner on the table, my water broke.  I never did get to eat those quesadillas!  Since then, Ben has managed to interrupt all kinds of things, mostly with his impish antics!  While his older bro is very serious, this little man is constantly up to no good.  But, we wouldn't have it any other way!

My coworker and I pulled off a fun tractor themed party this weekend.  And, despite the January thaw, it decided to dump about 5 inches of snow on us while at the party!  The kids got in a little sledding and a lot of eating and playing!  The tractor cookies and cupcakes were a huge hit.  Then again, so were the fruit salad and Cheez-its!

Birthday Boys

Carley's grand idea for pin-the-nose-on-the-snowman was a hit with the kids, though not a single one of them managed to hit the snowman!  :)

And, now we're on to the big family party.  To lighten the load, and make way for the cake to be in the fridge, we're getting pizza and letting the grandparents bring side dishes.  My kitchen is tiny, so there's not exactly room to spread out multiple dishes.  Some day, when I have a real house, I will do the parties up right!  

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