Thursday, January 16, 2014

Crumbling bits...

So, I vowed to not bake again after the Christmas cookie onslaught.  I kept that resolution until last night.  The problem is that, we have a former co-worker returning to one of our facilities, much to my delight!  She swore the only reason she was coming back, was for my Molasses Ginger Cookies.  I promised her, that if she accepted the position, I would make sure she had cookies on her desk for her return.  She starts tomorrow, so cookies were baked and sent over via our inter-office courier!  I did camouflage them since I'm not sure that sending food through the courier service is kosher!  :)  That cookie recipe is fantastic...earning rave reviews from all friends and family!

Even with lots of cakes under my belt, mishaps still occur!  I spent a good chunk of this past weekend working on fondant pieces for the boys' Transformer cake.  I had even carefully set up an oatmeal canister in a 9"x13" pan, supported by towels to mold the face piece, which looked fantastic!  The next day, after letting it set up, I removed the piece and left it in a plastic container.  The blasted thing cracked even before I made it across the kitchen (it's a galley kitchen, so maybe 2 feet across!).  I was ready to cry!  I'm resorting to a last minute redo of this face piece so that it can't crack!  Stay tuned for some tractor cupcake and cookie pictures...

As for the kiddos this week...well, my almost 2 year old is a mess...teething!  It's really such a cruel process for the wee ones to experience!  You can understand why it happens when we're young!  If it occurred later in life, we all would be a disaster!  While he was doped up with infant Motrin, I took the big kiddo bowling for the first time.  We met up with a coworker and her nephew at a candle pin bowling alley.  Yes, candle pin!  Those are the skinny pins and little balls.  That's a New Hampshire thing!  Naturally, we opted for bumpers as it was the kiddos' first time.  

Check out the final score...Mason and Matthew were the kiddos.  Not sure what to make of the fact that they had very similar scores to the adults.  Either they are bowling prodigies or we stink!  :)  Both boys were way more intrigued with the ball return mechanism than the actual bowling.  I swear, if I could install one in our house, it would keep the boys occupied for days!  The expense would be worth it!  

OK, I'm off to scour Pinterest for some tractor birthday activities since all of our snow has melted and the sledding is in serious peril at this point!  Til next week...

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